Roman Zoun

Dr.-Ing. Roman Zoun
Fakultät für Informatik (FIN)
AG Datenbanken & Software Engineering
AG Datenbanken & Software Engineering
Universitätsplatz 2,
39106, Magdeburg,
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- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Ivayla Trifonova, Xiao Chen, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and
Gunter Saake.
An Investigation of
Alternatives to Transform Protein Sequence Databases to a Columnar Index
Algorithms, 14(2), 2021.
- Xiao Chen, Nishanth Entoor
Venkatarathnam, Kirity Rapuru, David Broneske, Gabriel Campero Durand, Roman
Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
Analysis and
Comparison of Block-Splitting-Based Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel
Entity Resolution.
In International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based
Applications & Services (iiWAS2020), page 446–455. ACM, November
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, David
Broneske, Roman Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
GridTables: A One-Size-Fits-Most H2TAP Data
Datenbank-Spektrum, Volume 2020/01/31,
- Roman
Analytic Cloud Platform for
Near Real-Time Mass Spectrometry Processing on the Fast Data
PhD thesis, University of Magdeburg, June 2020.
- Xiao Chen, Yinlong Xu, David Broneske,
Gabriel Campero Durand, Roman Zoun, and Gunter Saake.
Committee-Based Active Learning for Entity Resolution (HeALER).
In European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
(ADBIS), LNCS, pages 69–85, September 2019.
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Ivayla Trifonova, Xiao Chen, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and
Gunter Saake.
Efficient Transformation of Protein Sequence Databases to Columnar
Index Schema.
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA), volume 1062 of CCIS, pages 67–72.
IEEE, August 2019.
- Robert Heyer, Kay Schallert, Corina
Siewert, Fabian Kohrs, J. Greve, I. Maus, J. Klang, M. Klocke, M. Heiermann,
M. Hoffmann, S. Puettker, M. Calusinska, Roman Zoun, Gunter Saake, Dirk
Benndorf, and Udo Reichl.
analysis reveals that syntrophy, competition, and phage-host interaction
shape microbial communities in biogas plants.
Microbiome, 7(1):69, April 2019.
- Xiao Chen, Gabriel Campero Durand,
Roman Zoun, David Broneske, Yang Li, and Gunter Saake.
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Hand-Tuned and Word-Embedding-Based
Similarity Measures for Entity Resolution.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, pages
215 – 224, March 2019.
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Marcus Pinnecke, Robert Heyer, Sven Brehmer, Dirk
Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
MSDataStream - Connecting a Bruker Mass Spectrometer to the
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, pages
507 – 510. Gesellschaft für Informatik, March
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It’s About Time for Backend/Database
In Holger Meyer, Norbert Ritter, Andreas Thor, Daniela Nicklas, Andreas Heuer,
and Meike Klettke, editors, BTW 2019 – Workshopband, volume
P-289 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 515–518.
Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2019.
- Marcus Pinnecke, Gabriel Campero, Roman
Zoun, David Broneske, and Gunter Saake.
Protobase: It's About Time for Backend/Database Co-Design.
In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW),
pages 515–518, 2019.
- Robert heyer, Kay Schallert, Anja
Buedel, Roman Zoun, Sebastian Dorl, Alexander Behne, Fabian Kohrs, Sebastian
Puettker, Corina Siewert, Thilo Muth, Gunter Saake, Udo Reichl, and Dirk
A robust and universal
metaproteomics workflow for research studies and routine diagnostics within
24 hours using phenol extraction, FASP digest and the
Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 10 1883,
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Sören Falkenberg, Robert Heyer, Sabine Wehnert, Sven Brehmer,
Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
MStream: Proof of Concept of an Analytic Cloud Platform for
Near-Real-Time Diagnostics using Mass Spectrometry Data.
002-2019, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, 2019.
- Roman Zoun, Gabriel Campero Durand, Kay
Schallert, Apoorva Patrikar, David Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Robert Heyer,
Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Protein Identification as a Suitable Application for Fast Data
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA), pages 168 – 178. IEEE, September
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, Atin Janki,
Rohith Ravindran, Gabriel Campero Durand, Wolfram Fenske, David Broneske,
Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Streaming FDR Calculation for Protein Identication.
In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 80 – 87,
September 2018.
- Xiao Chen, Roman Zoun, Eike Schallehn,
Sravani Mantha, Kirity Rapuru, and Gunter Saake.
Exploring Spark-SQL-Based Entity Resolution Using the
Persistence Capability.
In Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures, pages 3–17,
September 2018.
- Atin Janki, Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert,
Rohith Ravindran, David Broneske, Wolfram Fenske, Robert Heyer, Dirk
Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Connecting X! Tandem to a Database Management
In GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, GvDB, pages 77–82, May
- Roman
Internet of Metaproteomics - Optimizing the Metaproteomics Workflow
Using Fast Data on the SMACK Stack.
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering,
- Robert Heyer, Kay Schallert, Roman
Zoun, Beatrice Becher, Gunter Saake, and Dirk Benndorf.
Challenges and perspectives of metaproteomic data
Journal of biotechnology, Number 261, pages 24–36, 11
- Roman Zoun, Kay Schallert, David
Broneske, Robert Heyer, Dirk Benndorf, and Gunter Saake.
Interactive Chord Visualization for Metaproteomics.
In International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (BIOKDD-DEXA). IEEE, 2017.