Advanced Database Models

prac4.txt Organization

Lecturer:  Dr. Eike Schallehn
Lecture:  LSF-Entry
Exercise:  LSF-Entry

Exam requirements

  • The exam will take place as a written exam. Registration using the LSF/HISQUIS system is required according to the general procedures.


  • Because of the Covid-19 situation this year's lecture will use the Moodle system and ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION will be available here:
  • Material on this site will not be maintained and may be outdated

Lecture and Exercise Materials

Lecture handouts will be made available here over the course of the lecture.

Advanced Database Models (PDF slides) adbm.pdf

Exercise sheets  will be made available here over the course of the lecture.

  1. Basic Terms and Concepts [PDF]
  2. Principles of Databases [PDF]
  3. Relational Algebra
  4. Conceptual Design
  5. NF2
  6. NF2 with Oracle
    Some guidelines for working with Oracle can be found here.
  7. Object-relational with Oracle
  8. Recursive Queries and Methods
  9. XML, DTDs, XPath and XQuery
    Use for the XPath and XQuery tasks.


Old Exams

As an orientation for upcoming exams, an old exam paper can be found here.

The focal points can be found  here .


Literature references and recommended readings are listed in the lecture handouts.


Letzte Änderung: 16.02.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster